Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Good gravy, I'm glad I sat down for a little break

I'm busy today getting our family ready for a two week road trip. And yes, the in-laws will be at the house, so I'm not afraid to say it. Actually, I trust God to protect my home, but it's just nice to be able to add that in there.


I sat down for a break and a cup of chai (yumm!) and after I posted that last link to BooMama's wisdom, I headed over to Humble Amy's (that's what we call her at our house) to see what was up. More blessed wisdom for my little heart! I'm thanking the Lord and wanting to share.

Just a sample:

But the place to begin the work is always at the beginning. Where is that? That is here– that this task, this work before me was given by God, and He will enable to do it. He is good. I belong to Him, so all that He gives me is from His mercy. The “how”, the “why”, the “what for” is for later. Settle once and for all Who you belong to and Who you are working for.

The rest comes after that.

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