Monday, April 13, 2009

A flurry

You know you've been a bad blogger when you have to go look and see what you talked about in your last few posts. I'll try to do a little catching up tonight.

It was a joy to have the Emmaus Bible College Ensemble in concert in our area in mid-March. The music and memories were a blessing, and I also met a wonderful EBC mom who was such an encouragement to me as a home teaching mom who still feels like the journey has just begun.

Jonathan spent most of a day in late March wrestling with a rented front-tine tiller to get our garden tilled. It was hard work, and I was/am so proud and thankful! This shot was taken when he was not quite halfway done.

March 27th was our chapel talent night - lots of fun! The evening included acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, hammered dulcimer, solo and group singing, a hobby presentation, and more. And when the joyful noise died down, we had a great game of Canasta. Pardon the poor quality of the pictures, please.

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