Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nobody's Got It All Together

You can get the album containing this song (lots of great stuff) along with quite a few other albums - for free! - at

What do you think of this song and the thoughts behind it?

Do you find that we as Christians are real with each other, or that we try to act like we do have it all together? If the latter, what can we do to be real with each other so that we truly can encourage one another to love and good deeds?

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

I've been thinking on this off and on lately. Every time I start a new semester, or a new job, I think about how I can build relationshiops that will lead to spiritual conversations with the new people I'm coming into contact with. And, being vulnerable to other people is a relationship I've been trying to let other people in. Thanks for sharing.