Sunday, February 24, 2008


Two weeks ago, some friends hosted a Tea and Crochet afternoon. I've been wanting to learn to crochet for a while, and was excited but nervous about learning how. Well, Kristen (by whom I sat) is a great teacher, Kathy (whom I've watched crochet for several years now) is a terrific example of what you can do with crochet. And I think it's safe to say I'm hooked!

I love that crochet is a portable craft that takes up a small amount of space, can be easily picked up and put down, and is fun! I've been enjoying learning some new beginner stuff from and am looking forward to seeing Kathy again so she can show me how to make head scarves.

Here's the cute little basket I picked up at the resale shop for my crochet stuff, with a couple little things I've done. The multi-colored piece is a washcloth, the darker piece below it is a hotpad:

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Way to go, Laurel!! You're obviously getting the hang of it! So fun!